What do they do?

TravelAI is a team of 9 entrepreneurs and developers with a common obsession about improving journey times and travel experiences. They were the first to automatically detect travel mode with smartphones and we’ve since welcomed entrants including Apple, Google, MIT and more recently Facebook with their Moves acquisition. Detects more travel modes than any other solution.
Their vision is a future where everyone can instantly access the information they need to make journeys as efficient, convenient and comfortable as possible. As a mission, they provide effortless and accurate journey-detection tools that automatically sense and combine the travel intelligence of our community, showing which routes are suffering from congestion or disruption and letting cities and citizens make smarter choices that save time, frustration and money.
Where can you find them? London

Do you want to know more?

If you are interested in this startup and would like to know more about them or want to invest in this project, write to info@connectedmobilityhub.com and we will get in touch with you.

Travel AI